Safe Group: Wise Vulnerability
Questions to the group:
1. How do you feel after watching this video?
2. What stands out for you?
3. Do you know what you need from the group to be authentic?
A Healthy Way to Understand Confession
Questions to the group:
1. What is your understanding of confession?
2. Do you agree with Jamie’s perspective?
Explain why you agree or disagree.
3. How is your current understanding about confession impact your relationship with Christ and others?
[Eg. Jas 5:16
16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. — Jas 5:16 (KJV)]
A Healthy Way to Understand Emotions
Questions to the group:
1. What is your understanding of emotions?
2. What do you do with your emotions?
3. Why did Jesus create emotions?
4. Share a Bible verse that focuses on emotions.
5. Do you feel that you are attuned to your emotions?
RightNow Media Resources:
Untangle Your Emotions
Reign in Life through Jesus
Questions to the group:
1. What is your understanding of Romans 5:19?
2. What is your definition of righteousness?
3. What stands out for you after watching each section?
4. What is your understanding of the Fruits of the Spirits vs the Works of the Law?
5. Share a Bible verse that helps you feel safe and secure in Christ.
As He is so are we in this world: "I am the Righteousness of God in Christ"
Questions to the group:
1. What stands out for you after watching each section?
2. What is your understanding of Rom 5:17?
3. What do you understand and believe about the gift of righteousness by faith?